
]]]]]>>>>>(-eBooks-) IELTS Speaking Useful Tips To Get Band 7 Or Higher

2016-11-08 3 Dailymotion

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IELTS Speaking Useful Tips To Get Band 7 Or Higher

There are a number of IELTS speaking books on the market but this book aims to break new ground by focusing on how to prepare for and achieve a speaking score of 7 (or maybe higher). All of the skills and strategies presented in this book are typical of a high scoring speaking candidate. This book is intended for anyone who intends to take the IELTS test; it will also help learners of English improve their speaking skills. It is suitable for both classroom use and self-study. Most people would agree that an OK score in speaking is 5 or 6. Many students now realise that a score of 5 or 6 for speaking is not enough for their study requirements. Many students spend months preparing for the IELTS speaking test and still find it difficult to score 7 or higher. In fact some candidates actually score lower than they potentially could have scored. There are a few reasons behind this poor performance and these will be discussed in detail throughout this book, but one major factor is the lack of quality material available for IELTS speaking preparation.